How do I view a history of past checkouts?

You can enable Borrowing History in your account settings. You can view your Borrowing History via the My Borrowing page. Here are some things to note about Borrowing History:

  • Borrowing History only shows past checkouts from the date it is enabled. 
    If you recently enabled this feature, you won't be able to see any previous checkout history. We don't enable this by default in accordance with our policies to protect patron confidentiality.
  • Borrowing History only displays items from the past 12 months.
    To keep a permanent record either rate/review the item or simply move it to your Completed shelf, which then keeps that information in your BiblioCommons account.

More information about these features:

To see a history of your past digital checkouts (e.g. eBooks, downloadable audiobooks), you can view them in the particular digital collection site. For example, you can view your past OverDrive loans.

Last Updated: Sep 12, 2022     Views: 105