How do I create a list in the BiblioCommons catalog?

You can create lists in your account in the online catalog.

  1. Sign in to your library account with your library card number and PIN (usually your date of birth in this format: MMDDYYYY).
  2. Click on the account menu (your user name in top-right). Click on the Lists menu item under the "My Collections" section.
  3. On the page that opens you have the option to "Create a New List." Choose the format for the list you want (either "Guides and Recommendations" or "If You Liked...") and then you can start adding items to the list.

When you create your list, you can give it a name and a description so people know what is in the list. And once the list is done, you can share the list or leave it private. If you share it, the list is visible on the catalog for everyone. If you leave it private, only you and anyone else who you share the direct link to the list can see it.

How to print the list

Once you create a list and publish it, you'll see a printer icon located at the bottom-right of the web page in a grey bar next to the FAQs link.

Last Updated: Jun 6, 2022     Views: 247